Get Your Pool Fixed ASAP
Most homeowners believe that a swimming pool is only for summer. However, an above-average number of people use their above-ground pools year-round. That is why immediate swimming pool repair issues must be fixed before they get worse. Aside from the inconvenience, there’s also the health risk involved. If the pool isn’t in good condition, it might collapse easily.
While you’re busy fixing your swimming pool, here are some actual problems that you must check for:
Pool Cracks
Your pool’s surface has cracks. When the cracks are longer than an inch and they’re in different areas, they should be filled and repaired right away. Don’t wait until they turn into bigger holes and can let rainwater seep into your pool. Get the cracks repaired right away before they get worse.
Dirty Water
The pool water should be clear and clean. Yellow or green discoloration on the pool’s water indicates that it has algae problems. This must be taken seriously to prevent further damage. Get your pool cleaned or repaired immediately to fix the problem. If you ignore it, you might want to consider buying a filter.
Strong Odor
If your pool leaks, its water will smell terrible. This might be caused by bacteria, a damaged pump, or a dirty skimmer. Don’t ignore the smell, especially if you have small children. Cleaning your pool regularly is the best way to avoid the smell. If you notice it, contact an expert right away to fix the problem.
If you experience these issues at home, make sure to get immediate swimming pool repair services from a trusted swimming pool contractor like JFS Pool & Spa Service. We fix pools in Santa Monica, CA. For sure, you’ll get what you need from our team. To reach us, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (310) 487-8387 right away! We’ll be more than happy to serve you!