Santa Monica, CA 90402

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Pool From a Swimming Pool Service Provider

Getting Your Pool Ready This Spring Season

Spring has sprung, summer is right around the corner, and it’s about to be peak pool season. Are you ready? It’s important to get your pool ready, heading off any algae blooms and making sure it’s ready for swimming. Wondering where to start? We’ve got some tips from a swimming pool service expert for spring cleaning your pool.

First, do some trimming around the pool.

Before you even start on the actual pool, tend to the foliage around your pool area. Prune anything that could shed into the water and rake up any leaves and debris that may be lingering under bushes near the pool. Make sure to pay attention to your pump and filter, too, clearing away leaves and mulch from this equipment and trimming any trees or bushes that are encroaching on it.

Now it’s time to deal with your pool cover.

Before you can remove it, make sure it’s clean. If all you see is leaves and debris, sweep it. Pump off any water without removing water from the actual pool. Once the cover is clear, give it a spray with the hose before removing it. After you take it off, spread it out and thoroughly scrub it, allowing it to completely dry before you put it away for the season.

Move on to the actual water.

Put in the skimmer basket, top off the water with the hose, and check for pool stains. Before you can get started on the actual pool water, you’re going to need some supplies. Check out all of your equipment to make sure it’s working properly before you head out to purchase chemicals, testing kits, and other supplies you’ll need. That way, you’ll know if you need any replacement parts or tools.

If you are looking for a trusted swimming pool service provider in Santa Monica, CA, you can have JFS Pool & Spa Service. We are one of the well-known pool service providers in this area. To have us, feel free to contact us at (310) 487-8387 now!

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