Santa Monica, CA 90402

4 Reasons to Act Now and Book Quality Swimming Pool Repair Services

The Risks of Neglecting Pool Repair

There’s no denying it—pools take a fair bit of maintenance and upkeep. From the obvious things like debris removal to more intensive repairs, maintaining the quality and safety of a swimming pool is important. Unfortunately, many property owners neglect the need for quality swimming pool repair and it can have serious implications. Here, we will examine four risks or dangers of not repairing a pool in a timely fashion.

Loss of Pool Structural Integrity

Due to the constant contact with water, the structure of a pool is subjected to deterioration over time. This means that surfaces, tiles, pool walls, and foundations can all erode and lose strength if left damaged. This can cause issues such as the adverse movement of tiles and the weakening of the foundations – itself highly dangerous and potentially resulting in the pool collapsing completely.

Breaks in Sanitation Control

The built-in filtration systems of pools are in constant use throughout the warmer seasons. This requires regular maintenance and repairs to ensure that sanitation is maintained as much as possible. When these filters are not kept in working order, certain elements such as chemical balancing, debris removal, and circulation can become severely strained – if not break.

Unpleasant Appearance

It is no surprise that pool maintenance involves cosmetic upkeep as well as structural and sanitary repair. Tiles, walls, and surfaces all require routine cleaning and repair in order to retain the level of aesthetic appeal that customers and visitors expect from a swimming facility. Allowing these components to become overgrown, stained, or otherwise damaged without repair will inevitably bring about an unpleasant appearance.

Growth of Pathogenic Bacteria

The most serious risk associated with neglected pools is the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Pathogens are virus-like pathogens that thrive in standing water, and as noted with sanitation control, regular repair and maintenance can help manage and reduce their growth. Without repairs and maintenance, pools can become a collection of dangerous bacteria capable of severe infection.

Don’t want to experience the risks of not maintaining and fixing your pool? JFS Pool & Spa Service is a reliable provider of swimming pool repair services, so for those in need of help with keeping a swimming pool in good condition in Santa Monica, CA, be sure to give us a call at (310) 487-8387.

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