Santa Monica, CA 90402

3 Cleaning and Maintenance Pool Service Tips

Hacks and Tricks for Your Pool

Few things are more disappointing than mentally prepping for a relaxing day at the pool — only to be met with murky water, metal stains, and calcium scale. Those are just a few of the problems you could encounter if you skip a pool-cleaning day, which might mean some pricey replacements and repairs could be in your near future. Fortunately, there are several hacks to avoid clogged filters, cracked pool tiles, warped liners, and other pool complications. Start taking notes, because you’re about to save your future self hundreds (or thousands) of dollars in repairs. Here are 3 cleaning and maintenance pool service tips to save your money in the long term.

Throw in old tennis balls to absorb oil.

Old tennis balls can be repurposed into tons of things — they can even double as dryer balls — so it comes as no surprise that they’re great for your pool, too. The wool and nylon on the balls work to absorb any oils in the pool, which means all of that sunscreen and sebum from our skin won’t be as much of a problem

Use vitamin C tablets (or lemon slices) to get rid of metal stains.

Every pool owner knows that metal stains are the worst. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution — and it might even be in your kitchen. Cardiff suggests wrapping vitamin C tablets in cloth and using them to scrub those pesky stains off the corners of your pool. No tablets? No problem. Lemon slices work, too!

No pool skimmer? Use an old window screen.

Yes, an old window screen can double as a pool skimmer. Plus, if you have a broomstick and a wire, you’ll have an easy DIY skimmer with a handle, Cardiff says. After saving yourself money with your newly repurposed skimmer, reward yourself by shopping for one of these adorable pool accessories.

If you want to make sure that you are investing your money properly in Santa Monica, CA, hire professionals. One of the trusted pool service providers that you can hire is JFS Pool & Spa Service. If you want to know more about what we can do for you and your pool, give us a call at (310) 487-8387.

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